Channel 2 news investigative reporter Robert Arnold does not shy away from the tough stories. That’s just one reason I respect him so much. Recently, he contacted me about the FBI tactics used in the child pornography case where I represent the defendant (a highly regarded physician).
What the FBI did in my client’s case was essentially spread cancer to try and stop cancer. They commandeered a child porn website, hosted and ran it, and obtained warrants for those within US jurisdiction who downloaded child porn from the federal government’s website. Yes, the government was actually a purveyor of child pornography. And my client’s case was not the first one in which the government was a child porn purveyor.
No doubt the government-as-child-porn-host raises all types of moral and legal questions. (Keep in mind how many people download porn from the government website who are not in US jurisdiction and cannot be apprehended. “Thanks for the free child porn,” they must be thinking.) Not to mention the fact that such government-sponsored dissemination further exploits and victimizes the children that were pornographically photographed and videotaped. Setting such a honey trap may even amount to entrapment in certain cases.
Arnold’s story ran and almost all the people who commented on the Channel 2 website were just as disturbed as I was with a child-porn hosting government. As one astute commenter wrote: “I wonder if this program has a cool name like ‘Fast & Furious’ when Eric Holder & Obama sold firearms to the bad guys to catch more bad guys, but ended up getting their own people killed by those guns.” Some readers may recall how that program crossed the line and ended up a disaster.
Fortunately, while the government may trick some people some of the time, they cannot trick all of the people. Arnold’s investigation spotlights just one example of how the government has lost all perspective when it comes to investigating crime.
Here at the Neal Davis Law Firm, we have the perspective, experience and skill necessary to navigate complicated criminal cases. If you want the best defense lawyer in Houston who is experienced in sex offenses, contact us today to discuss your case.
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